Samantha Barry Samantha Barry

Faculty Lunch Talk- Carlos Simmerling


Speaker: Carlos Simmerling, PhD

Department: Chemistry; Laufer Center

Talk Title:  "Improving the accuracy and precision of physics-based biomolecular simulations"

*By invitation only

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Sabrina Kralik Sabrina Kralik

LC Seminar- Jianhua Xing

April 4th at 12pm in LC 101

“Studying biological physics in the big data era”

Dr. Jianhua Xing, University of Pittsburgh

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April 26
Dr. Werner Krauth
CNRS and Laboratoire de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

“Mixing, stopping, coupling, lifting, and other keys to the second Markov-chain revolution”

Past Seminars

February 16
Dr. Gabriel Rocklin
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology
Northwestern University
”High-throughput discovery of protein folding stability and dynamics”